Body Systems Nutritional Requirements

Body Systems Nutritional Requirements

Digestive System
Nervous System
Immune System
Muscular System
Cardiovascular System

Digestive System

Nutrient Requirement Common Deficiencies Signs of Deficiency
Fiber Aids in digestion and prevents constipation Many people do not get enough dietary fiber Constipation, bloating, irregular bowel movements
Probiotics Maintain a healthy gut microbiome Lack of fermented foods or probiotics Digestive discomfort, bloating, gas
Vitamin B12 Essential for energy and digestive health Common in vegetarians and vegans Fatigue, weakness, constipation

Nervous System

Nutrient Requirement Common Deficiencies Signs of Deficiency
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Support brain function and mental health Low intake of fish or flaxseeds Depression, cognitive decline, dry skin
Vitamin B6 Supports neurotransmitter synthesis Common in those with poor diets Confusion, depression, irritability
Magnesium Essential for nerve function Often deficient in modern diets Muscle cramps, mental disorders, fatigue

Immune System

Nutrient Requirement Common Deficiencies Signs of Deficiency
Vitamin C Boosts immune function Low intake of fruits and vegetables Frequent colds, poor wound healing, fatigue
Zinc Crucial for immune cell function Low intake of meat and seafood Frequent infections, hair loss, loss of appetite
Vitamin D Regulates immune response Limited sun exposure Bone pain, muscle weakness, increased infection risk

Muscular System

Nutrient Requirement Common Deficiencies Signs of Deficiency
Protein Essential for muscle repair and growth Inadequate protein intake Muscle weakness, loss of muscle mass
Vitamin D Supports muscle function Limited sun exposure Muscle pain, weakness, cramps
Potassium Maintains muscle function Low intake of fruits and vegetables Muscle cramps, weakness, fatigue

Cardiovascular System

Nutrient Requirement Common Deficiencies Signs of Deficiency
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Support heart health Low intake of fish or flaxseeds High cholesterol, high blood pressure
Magnesium Regulates heart rhythm Often deficient in modern diets Arrhythmias, high blood pressure, muscle spasms
CoQ10 Supports cellular energy production Age-related decline Fatigue, muscle weakness, cardiovascular issues
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