Paramhansa Yogananda and Anandamayi May

Orange Juice Fast Duration

The duration of an orange juice fast can vary depending on individual goals and experience with fasting. Common durations include:

    • 24 Hours: Suitable for beginners, providing a short detox period.

    • 3 Days: Offers a deeper cleanse and is manageable for most people.

    • 7 Days or More: For experienced fasters, a water fast is effective at achieving significant detoxification and health benefits.

A Comprehensive Guide to Orange Juice Fasting

Orange juice fasting is a practice that involves consuming only fresh orange juice for a certain period to detoxify the body, rejuvenate the mind, and promote overall health. This type of fasting has gained popularity due to its simplicity and the natural benefits associated with oranges.

Paramhansa Yogananda promoted a specific method of fasting that involves consuming only fresh fruit juices, such as orange juice. This practice is designed to detoxify the body, enhance self-control, and bring mental clarity. According to his teachings, this fasting regimen should be done one day a week and three days a month.

Table of Contents

Yogananda recommended starting the fast by taking a natural laxative the night before. During the fasting days, individuals should drink only fresh juices like orange juice, which provides essential vitamins and minerals while allowing the digestive system to rest. For those who need to stabilize their blood sugar levels, he suggested adding crushed almonds or high-protein nuts to the juice. This method not only aids in detoxification but also supports deeper meditation and a heightened spiritual awareness.

The idea behind this form of fasting is to free the body’s energy from the lower organs, allowing it to be used for higher purposes like meditation. Yogananda emphasized the importance of simplicity and practicality in fasting, advocating for what he called “proper eatarianism,” meaning a diet that is suitable for one’s constitution and lifestyle (Ananda) (Self Realization Fellowship).

Interactive Timeline of Orange Juice Fasting Benefits

Interactive Timeline of Orange Juice Fasting Benefits



After the first hour, your body starts to use the nutrients in the orange juice to boost your energy levels and enhance mental clarity.


Half Day

By midday, your digestive system gets a rest, allowing the body to focus on detoxifying and healing.



At the end of the day, you may notice improved skin clarity, reduced inflammation, and a feeling of lightness.


Two Days

After two days, your body’s detoxification processes are in full swing, clearing out toxins and impurities from your system.


Three Days

By the third day, you experience heightened spiritual awareness, increased mental clarity, and significant physical rejuvenation.


Preparing for an orange juice fast involves both physical and mental readiness:

    1. Gradual Reduction: Slowly reduce the intake of solid foods and caffeine a few days before starting the fast.

    1. Stock Up: Ensure you have an ample supply of fresh, organic oranges.

    1. Hydration: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.


What to Expect

During an orange juice fast, you might experience:

    • Initial Hunger: The first 1-2 days can be challenging as the body adjusts.

    • Increased Energy: Many people report heightened energy levels after the initial adjustment period.

    • Detox Symptoms: Mild headaches, fatigue, or irritability can occur as the body detoxifies.



The benefits of orange juice fasting include:

    • Detoxification: Helps remove toxins from the body.

    • Improved Digestion: Gives the digestive system a rest and helps reset it.

    • Enhanced Immunity: Oranges are rich in Vitamin C, boosting the immune system.

    • Weight Loss: Can help in shedding excess weight and reducing bloating.

    • Mental Clarity: Many report improved mental clarity and focus.


Scientific Insights

Scientific studies support some of the benefits of orange juice fasting:

    • Antioxidant Properties: Oranges are high in antioxidants, which can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.

    • Hydration and Electrolytes: Orange juice provides hydration and essential electrolytes, maintaining bodily functions during fasting.


Paramhansa Yogananda’s Perspective

Paramhansa Yogananda, a renowned spiritual teacher, was a proponent of orange juice fasting. He believed that fasting on orange juice could purify the body and mind, promoting spiritual growth. Yogananda’s teachings highlight the importance of inner cleanliness and the role of natural foods in achieving higher states of consciousness.

In his book “Autobiography of a Yogi,” Yogananda writes about the benefits of fasting, including increased vitality and mental clarity, which align with the experiences of many who undertake orange juice fasts.



Orange juice fasting is a simple yet effective way to detoxify the body and mind. By choosing the appropriate duration, preparing adequately, and understanding what to expect, individuals can safely and effectively experience the numerous benefits associated with this practice. The teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda provide a spiritual dimension to this natural cleansing method, making it a holistic approach to health and well-being.  By the way, since you’ll be doing lot’s of juice, and if you plan to do this as prescribed, you may want a juicer.  I don’t like any more gadgets than I have, so I like this little/compact personal juicer which can be thrown in a kitchen drawer; I have an Amazon affiliate relationship where I may earn a commission if you make a purchase.

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This content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with a doctor or medical specialist before making any health-related decisions, including detoxing, cleansing, or engaging in any activities mentioned. Your health and safety are paramount, and professional guidance is essential to ensure the best outcomes for your individual needs.

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